Konuşma Sınavı

17-18 Mayıs 2017 tarihlerinde yapılacak olan konuşma sınavında çıkabilecek konular aşağıda verilmiştir. 

Can you tell us a little about yourself ( Department, family, hobbies, etc.)?
Tell us your daily routine.
Tell us about one of your weekends.
What are your future plans?
How can you /a person find a good job?
What should or shouldn’t a person do in Turkish Culture?
Do you like vacation? What kind of vacation do you like? Why do you like it?
Who / What makes you laugh?
Do you enjoy sports? Why / Why not? Do you do or watch sports? What sports do you like to do / watch?
When do people lie? In what situations do you think it’s ok to be dishonest?
Do you like to make changes in your life or do you prefer things to stay the same? Why / Why not?
What kinds of things make you feel afraid ?
Tell us about a time when you were in a frightening or dangerous situation.