Molecular Microbiology Laboratory

The molecular microbiology laboratory is working on the identification of the genes involved in the resistance mechanisms that bacteria have developed against various stress conditions and the removal of their functions and regulation mechanisms. The mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics and the discovery of new molecules in the fight against diseases in this respect constitute other aspects of the study. The mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics and the discovery of new molecules against diseases in this respect constitute other research topics. In addition, the laboratory-scale biological cement production, bioremediation, metagenomic and epigenetic control mechanisms and the mechanical properties of DNA (B, A, Z-1), as well as the development of artificial intelligence learning and pattern recognition models for cell zirconia biochemistry and proteins, nucleic acids and microorganism communities, form transitions), intestinal and oral microbiota members continue to work at the genomic and proteomic level to identify surface components of probiotic bacteria and in this context to produce recombinant bacteria with new generation probiotic, antiviral and wound healing properties. The studies are carried out with the model organism Escherichia coli bacterium and are carried out in cooperation with various scientists in Japan, and also in cooperation with Spain, America and England.