The tribocorrosion behavior of biomaterials, non-current Ni-P and Ni-B coating, metal matrix composite production and characterization, polymer matrix composite production and characterization, nanocomposite production and characterization, graphene green synthesis, etc. are continued in the biomaterials and materials engineering laboratory. Also, researches are continuing on the development and performance improvement of energy storage systems such as Li-ion batteries and Na-ion batteries, the development of Grafen or carbon nanotubes and metal oxide nanocomposites, and the accumulation and characterization of various thin films with physical vapor deposition technology (PVD). In addition to this, studies are carried out on ceramic cutting tools and machining and production and characterization of reinforced composites with carbon-based addition materials such as SiAlON, alumina, and SiC structural high technology ceramics. Bilecik Sheikh Edebali University, Anadolu University and Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse-France) have been conducting an international project titled “Direct Graph Grading on Stainless Steel Mat for Tribological Applications (Graphsteel)”.