“Tourism Sector Shares Its Experience” Event Held

It has been held the first event of the 2021-2022 academic year with the Tourism Guiding Department under the title of “Sharing the Experience of the Tourism Sector”.

The Head of the Event Tourism Guidance Department, Prof. Dr. It started with the opening speech of Mehpare Tokay Argan.

Afterwards, Mr. Fikret Karaçalı, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grand Çalı and the Manager of the Grand Çalı Hotel, conveyed his vast experience from his 40 years in the industry to our students.

In the last part of the program, a question-answer activity was held and the questions that our students were wondering about the sector and hotel management were answered by Mr. Fikret.

On behalf of our faculty and departments, we would like to thank Mr. Fikret Karaçalı, who participated in our event and shared his experiences with our students.

In addition, Special thanks to Dean, Prof. Dr. İsa İpçioğlu, vice deans Asst. Prof. İbrahim Orkun Oral and Assoc. Dr. Aysel Güney, Head of Tourism Guidance Department Prof. Dr. Mehpare Tokay Argan and Head of Tourism Processing Department Assoc. Dr.  Nurdan Sevim who contributed to the organization of the event.