Foreign Student Exam (YÖS) Course



Lecturer  Kenan ELMAAĞAÇ

Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Vocational School                                                                             


Foreign Student Exam (YÖS) is a mandatory exam for foreign students who want to graduate or undergraduate degree at any university in Turkey. Students can apply to universities with the results obtained from YÖS and the students who get enough points are eligible to register. There are 80 questions in YÖS, 40 of them in Basic Learning Skills, 40 of them in Mathematics and students are given 120 minutes (2 hours) to answer. Up-to-date information on the YÖS organized by the universities is available on the official website of each university.



Start Date:                             Thursday, 17 January 2019

End Date:                               Friday, 8 March 2019

Period of Study:                    8 weeks / 64 hours

Application Deadline:           Wednesday, 16 January 2019


The course will be held on Thursday and Friday between 16:00 – 20:00 p.m.



The course will be opened with a minimum of 10, maximum 20 applicants.

Registries will be taken in the order of application.



The course will take place in the classrooms of the Center for Continuing Education Application and Research Centre located at the Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Campus.                                                         



In Cash:                         400 TL (VAT Included) (At the latest 25 January 2019) 


1st Installment:               200 TL (VAT Included) (At the latest 25 January 2019)

2nd Installment:              200 TL (VAT Included) (At the latest 22 February 2019)


Bank Account Name:   Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Döner Sermaye İşletme                                                         Müdürlüğü

Bank/Branch Name:     Ziraat Bankası / Bilecik Şubesi         

IBAN:                             TR09 0001 0001 1854 5583 9150 01                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


1. Fill in the Registration Form which on Continuining Education Application and Research Center (BİLSEM) web site ( and deliver it by hand to BİLSEM within the application period.

2. Within the day following the application deadline, after the announcement (on BİLSEM web site) made about opening of the program if which reached suffiecient quota, the payment transactions are carried out according to the specified information above.

3. Your idendity number, name-surname and course name must be processed to bank receipt by bank officer officially, not by hand.

4. The other requested documents specified in Registration Form and the bank receipt should deliver to BİLSEM.                                                                                                                  



1. Payments must be made through the box office or via internet banking, not through the ATM.

2. It is not possible to return the fee after the course fee has been paid.

3. Those who do not pay the course fees until the due date will not benefit from the course.

4. No training material (books, etc.) will be provided by BILSEM.