In the unit, open arrangements covering the student’s absenteeism or the existence of justified and valid reasons preventing the entry into the exam were arranged in Bilecik University Undergraduate Education Regulation. Students must attend classes, practices and exams. Whatever the excuse, the attendance requirement is at least 70% in theoretical courses. Students who do not meet the requirements can not be taken into the final exam and are given their (DZ) grade. The attendance status of the students is monitored and evaluated by the instructor concerned. In the repeated theoretical and practical courses, if the student has fulfilled the attendance requirement in the previous semester, the relevant unit board shall decide whether to attend the interim exams or not.
Students who have a valid medical report are given a make-up exam for midterm exams. There is no excuse for the end of the semester and the make-up exam. The period of assignment of the students assigned to participate in various academic, social, cultural and sportive activities by our institution or other governmental institutions shall be excluded from the attendance condition and the right of excuse exam is given from the exams they can not attend. The medical report is not for attendence. Only use for make-up exams. There is no second make-up for make-up exams. The students shall submit their excuses in writing to the head of the department within five working days following the date of the exam. There is no excuse for the exams but midterm exams. No make-up exam is made for the students who have taken the exams in the days when they are excused. Students with overlapping exams on the same day and time are entitled to a make-up exam for the exams they cannot enter. In such cases, students must apply to the department chairmanship within five working days.
In addition, the rights of the students in the compulsory internship are included in the Internship Directive.