4.1. Acceptance

4.1.1. Unit, Clear and Consistent Criteria Used in Student Admissions

The admission requirements of all programs are evaluated by the University Senate.

4.1.2. Student (Acceptance, Development, Recognition and Certificates) Acceptance

As a result of the central examinations (YKS, DGS, etc.) conducted by ÖSYM (Assessment Selection and Placement Center), our program accepts students according to the criteria according to the program directive. Foreign students gain the right to register as a result of the evaluation of the Committee formed by the Rectorate in line with the scores obtained from the other examinations in the Foreign Students Acceptance Directive. In addition, students are admitted to the programs with Horizontal and Vertical transition.

4.1.3. Compliance (New Student Compliance) Mentors

Students benefit from interactive counseling services for academic guidance. Students’ success, attendance and other information about the education process are monitored through the Student Information System (SIS). The information obtained during this monitoring process is used to eliminate the problems related to the educational process of the students and to make the counseling services more effective. In the program, they complete the training of the students during the educational process under the supervision of the same instructor.

4.1.4. Achievements (Student Achievements)

Successful students are presented with Honor and High Honor Certificates at the end of the semester.

4.1.5. Advisors (Academic)

An academic consultant is appointed by the department head for each student in our program. The Registrar’s Office has a secretariat that accepts the registration of students and monitors their academic status. In particular, the student will be informed periodically about the courses chosen by his / her academic advisors based on his / her interest and performance within the program. In this way, the student is provided with the specialization in the field and his / her academic situations are continuously monitored and the students with high academic success are directed to graduate programs. Weekly advisory and interview hours schedules of all faculty members and staff are hung on the doorstep with weekly programs. In this way, the students are interviewed with their academic advisors.

4.1.6. Student mobility

In order to support student mobility, the courses in all the programs have been prepared in accordance with the Bologna Process and necessary arrangements are made on subjects such as credit recognition and diploma equivalence. In addition, student mobility is provided by many universities in domestic and overseas.

In order to ensure that the content is kept up to date and that a sustainable solution is provided, it is planned that the lecturers’ courses will be requested to update the contents of Bologna at the beginning of the semester. However, it will not be possible to open the course without the approval of the department head.

4.1.7. Other Acceptances

The principles of Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Undergraduate Education-Examination and Examination Regulations are applied in the admission of students with horizontal transfer except for the student groups who come with central placement.