
In our university. resit (supplementary) examinations, make-up examinations, placement tests and single course examinations are done within semester and at the end of the semester.


The success of a student is determined by evaluating the results of his or her success level in within-semester exams, homework, practices, laboratory and similar studies done in the semester, end semester exams and resit (supplementary) examinations.The total weight of evaluations of a course (mid-term exam, quiz, homework and practices) within a semester is determined in a way that will be less than 30% but not be much more than 60% within the first two weeks of a semester by the instructor teaching the course.

Grading System (Scale)

For each course taken by students, one of the letter grades listed below is appreciated by the instructor as a term grade. The coefficients of letter grades and their equivalents out of 100 points are shown below.
Grades / Coefficients / Equivalences in Absolute System 

AA / 4,0 / 93,01-100,00
AB / 3,7 / 83,67-93,00
BA / 3,3 / 76,67-83,66
BB / 3,0 / 69,67-76,66
BC / 2.7 / 60,34-69,66
CB / 2,3 / 56,61-60,33
CC / 2,0 / 53,33-56,60
DC / 1,5 / 49,00-53,32
DD / 1,0 / 45,00-48,99
FF / 0,0 / 44,99 and belowThe evaluation grades (not specified in the grading scale) given below are used in these conditions;

a) Grade of non-attendance (“NA” in other words “DZ” in Turkish grading system ): is issued for students who fail to fulfill the attendance requirements of the course. Grade of NA is considered as FF in computation of grade point averages. Students retake the same course when they get the grade of NA.
b) Grade of an academic leave of absence ( “LA” in other words “IZ” in Turkish grading system) : is issued for students who fail to fulfill the attendance and/or requirements of the course practices due to their being on an academic leave of absence and (this grade) is not included in their grade point averages. Students repeat the same course when they get the grade of LA.
c)Grade of Satisfactory (“S” in other words “YT” in Turkish grading system is issued for students who are successful in the courses that are not included in (the calculation of) the grade point averages.
ç) Grade of Unsatisfactory (“ U ” in other words “YZ” in Turkish grading system is issued for students who are unsuccessful in the courses that are not included in (the calculation of) the grade point averages.
d) Grade of Incomplete: “I” in other words “GM” in Turkish grading system is issued for a student who is not involved in the examinations. If a student who is awarded as “I” grade during the semester exams and takes make-up exams, his or her “I” grade is converted to a numerical grade. If he or she does not take a make-up exam during the semester, his or her “I” grade is converted to zero “0”. The grade taken from a resit (supplementary) exam is evaluated together with the grades within the semester as a final exam grade and converted to a success grade according to the place of the student’s success grade in the class list. The “I” grade of a student who does not take the resit (supplementary) exam is considered as zero “0” and converted to a success grade according to the place of the student’s success grade in the class list.
e) Grade of Exemption: “EX” in other words “SD” in Turkish grading system is issued for a student exempted from a course which is removed resulted from curriculum adaptations and the grade is not included in the computation of grade point average. But it is shown on the transcript.

Retaking of a course

Students are required to repeat the lower semester courses that they have not taken before or courses with FF, U, and NA except the ones priorly which they have not achieved the preconditions. When the failed courses are retaken, the last grades taken from those courses are included into in the computation of grade point average. Throughout the learning process, students can retake the courses they have fulfilled before in order to increase their grade point average and the last grade taken from those courses are included into in the computation of grade point average.

Success Assessment

Students who have failed to achieve the required GPA are considered as unsuccessful. According to the guideline for evaluation of achievement, students are identified as honor and high honor students.