The rapidly growing energy needs of our world significantly increases the interest in new and renewable energy technologies with each passing day. With this motivation, the importance given to energy technologies is also high in our country with the support of the more domestic production and therefore the less external dependence policy of energy. By means of these mentioned motivation and policy, Energy Technologies Application and Research Center has been officially established with the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated October 17, 2016 and numbered 29860, within the body of Bilecik Seyh Edebali University. The installation of the physical infrastructure of this center is still in progress.
Research areas of the center include developing solutions to the energy problem by identifying the potential new and renewable energy sources, developing methods for the determined potential, and developing systems that enable more efficient use of traditional energy systems (petroleum, coal, natural gas, etc.).
This center in our university will encourage the industrialists to evaluate the energy potential (wind, sun, etc.) in the vicinity of the center where they can receive immediate scientific support and consultancy.